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Would you like a rest?
Yesterday afternoon after a morning of coaching super-vision, I stepped into my garden, with the sun touching my body strongly. I sat on my rocking chair, under the coolness of the garden awning.

The mind was doing it’s monkey tricks, of swing from one thought to another, I allowed it to come to a rest. My gaze hit the tomato plant, as I saw the phenomenal growth the weather and watering from the rain barrel had offered it.

In this time of rest and contemplation it reminded me of the poem of Basho. which you can read in the slides.

Where ever we are whether in the office, at home, on the train, in the plane, at the supermarket or even in prison: a moment of rest, pause, of silence is possible.

I leave this for your today, as my offering for rest and nourishment to you.

#executivecoaching #leadership #kindness

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