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Are you struggling with complexity
in life or work?
I did!
I’ve used that to be courageous,
authentic, enjoy life and
be at peace.
Would you like too?
Start here


Are you struggling with complexity?

I did!
I’ve used that to be courageous,
authentic, enjoy life and
be at peace.
Would you like too?
Start here

What complexity is holding you back?

Here are some themes I’ve supported my clients with:-

Leadership effectiveness
Life/Career transition’s
Feelings of anxiety and uncertainty
Not feeling good enough
Work life balance
Grow in creativity and improve performance
Relationship that don’t work
Being authentic and communicating clearly
Managing stress
A traumatic story you have not shared
Stuck in a mindfulness practice
Understanding who you are and why you are
Meaning and purpose


Delve into complexity to uncover new insights and possibilities


Be adaptive and relaxed in the way you deal with complex situations


Love what you do, yourself and the empower the people around you to do the same

The PlayfulMonk approach to complexity
combines awareness of who you are
personal development

Explore, Play, Love, Presence and Connection

The PlayfulMonk approach to complexity
combines awareness of who you are and personal development

Explore, Play, Love, Presence and Connection


Delve into complexity to uncover new insights and possibilities


Be adaptive and relaxed in the way you deal with complex situations


Love what you do, yourself and the empower the people around you to do the same

This approach will help you recognise presence

to not be restricted by past habits, or future desires and be creative in responding to the challenges that happen in life.

This will enhance the way

you connect with yourself
others, and the environment.

The PlayfulMonk Programs

are developed by Amaranatho a former Buddhist of 15 years who has had a complex and uncertain life, he has learned how to deal with this through presence and clarity. He has run large residential retreats, corporate coaching programs as well as spent long periods alone contemplating the deeper questions in life.

He is a coach Supervisor with the EMCC (European Mentoring and coaching council)  and a coach at the senior practitioner level.
Leadership circle 360 and collective leadership profile certified practitioner
Brainspotting Therapist
Scrum Master

If you are seriously looking for transformation lets chat!

Schedule a free 30 minute discovery session now

The PlayfulMonk Programs

If you are seriously looking for transformation let chat!

are developed by Amaranatho a former Buddhist of 15 years who has had a complex and uncertain life, he has learned how to deal with this through presence and clarity. He has run large residential retreats, corporate coaching programs as well as spent long periods alone contemplating the deeper questions in life.

He is a coach Supervisor with the EMCC (European Mentoring and coaching council)  and a coach at the senior practitioner level.
Leadership circle 360  and collective leadership profile certified practitioner
Brainspotting Therapist
Scrum Master

Schedule a free 30 minute discovery session now

Amaranatho has a vast well of knowledge and uses a holistic approach to unravel the complexities in life. His suggestions of practical tools bring clarity to how and why things are. If you’re looking to get ‘unstuck’ from persistent patterns he will help leverage insight to make it happen. I highly recommend working with Amaranatho.

Siobhan MacManusEthics and Conflict Management Consultant

I was looking for some guidance, someone who could help me on my deepest personal level to cope with these rising demands of building a high growth company.
Amaranatho was the perfect match for me to grow further into becoming a better autonomous version of myself.

Guus MeulendijksCo Founder of B. - Europe largest startup eco-system in Europe

Amaranatho is a strong observer and has a fast mind. He helped me amongst others to discover how my body presence and breathing can help me to bring a clear message. I work in a political a environment with lots of understreams, Amaranatho's techniques and coaching helped me to have a clear message and stay connected and be true to my innerself.

It unleashed new possibilities that I thought were not within my reach and helped me to make significant progress in mycareer. I can recommend Amaranatho's work from the bottom of my heart.

Rik-Jan ModderkolkInternational Health Manager at PON

Truth comes in many different packages, but if you are a leader, interested in knowing in your experience, the undeniable truth of who you are, as a monk in an earlier part of his life, Amaranatho is your guide.
Gently guiding you back to yourself.

Tabitha CooperStrategic Business Developer - Digital Wealth

I am very grateful to Amaranatho. He is a wonderful teacher: skilful, knowledgeable, challenging, playful, down to earth, reliable and likeable. I had asked him to help me in my meditation practice. He gave me the tools, the knowledge and the confidence to set up a regular practice and to allow it deeply and transformatively into other areas of my life. We covered a lot of ground in the process. It was the most serious play, and there was a lot of good laughter. I would recommend him highly.

Neil CadwalladerBarrister at Exchange Chambers and Three Stone Chambers

I met Amaranatho in a workshop where he spoke about playfulness and that made an impact on me. I felt this was a missing part to become a more effective team manager. During our initial meeting, Amaranatho quickly helped me discover what I need to work on. His approach and honesty made me trust him. I liked the way he did not follow a process or model and allowed me to continually find out what was needed as we worked together to become a more successful leader who can make decisions and provide vision in uncertainty.

The outcome was the ability to make honest choices in the moment that serve me and the situation the best. I have less stress at work now I am able to work in uncertain circumstances from a position of connectedness. If you are looking for real progress in your work and life, and willing to work on that, it’s great to work with Amaranatho. He is a great guide in making the next steps

Soraya RamdinDirector of Operations at Flatland Agency

What I Offer

In our fast-paced world, finding moments for genuine reflection can be challenging, I create a nurturing environment that allows for deep introspection and growth. Together, we’ll explore a landscape of possibilities, where practical strategies intertwine with profound insights, and where the noise of daily life gives way to clarity of thought.

I offer you a reflective space — a sanctuary for your mind — where you can:

  • Enhance your self-awareness and leadership capabilities
  • Develop an agile mindset to thrive in rapidly changing environments
  • Navigate complex situations with calm and clarity
  • Recognize deeper meaning in your work and personal life
  • Facilitate difficult conversations and tackle big questions in all areas of life
  • Implement effective agile working practices in your organization
  • Achieve better work-life integration and personal fulfillment
  • Overcome personal obstacles and limiting beliefs
  • Set and achieve meaningful personal and professional goals
  • Improve relationships and communication skills
  • Develop resilience and stress management techniques

In this reflective journey, we’ll explore both your professional aspirations and personal growth, allowing for a holistic approach to your development. Whether you’re seeking to advance your career, improve your leadership skills, or find greater balance and satisfaction in your personal life, our collaborative process will address all aspects of your journey.

My Clients

I’ve had the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients, from founders of large startups to HR executives and cybersecurity teams. My experience spans various industries, including Education and IT tech companies.

What unites my clients is their intelligence, reflectiveness, and desire for growth. They are achievers in transition, seeking to reach new levels of personal and professional development. They value authenticity, are open to challenge, and are committed to making a positive impact in their organizations and the world.

Why Work With Me?

When you choose to work with me, you’re not just getting a coach – you’re getting a partner in your journey of growth and discovery. I bring:

– A unique perspective that bridges the worlds of technology, mindfulness, and leadership

– A commitment to authenticity and direct, honest communication

– A playful yet profound approach to personal and professional development

– Experience in facilitating transformative experiences, from one-on-one coaching to group workshops and retreats

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

If you’re an executive or individual looking to unlock your full potential, navigate complex challenges with grace, and recognize deeper meaning in your work and life, I’m here to guide you. Together, we can embark on a transformative journey that will not only enhance your leadership skills but also enrich your life in profound ways.

Let’s connect and explore how we can work together to awaken your true potential.

Schedule a free 30 minute discovery session now

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