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Leadership Development
360 Assessment for

  • Individuals
  • Senior Leadership Teams
  • Whole Organisations

With Amaranatho and the PlayfulMonk Approach.

The Leadership Circle Profile™ Evolves The Consciousness Of Leaders To Respond To Complexity

What are the benefits to individuals, teams and organisations?

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) is the only 360° leadership assessment tool to uncover underlying habits for transformational change: it tracks and measures:

Core behavior patterns


Underlying beliefs


Established assumptions


Habits of thought


The Collective Leadership Assessment™ (CLA) delivers a powerful litmus test of collective leadership effectiveness for teams or entire organizations.

The CLA is a comprehensive view of where employees view current collective leadership effectiveness compared to the desired collective effectiveness. The CLA will:

Establish a compelling
rationale for change.


Focus leadership
development efforts


Delineate cultural challenges
associated with acquisitions,
mergers, and restructuring plans.


Correlate leadership to
productivity, profits, turnover,
and other bottom-line metrics


Leadership Circle assessments are best-in-class tools that
empower leaders with clear cut insights into their leadership
strengths and development opportunities.

Driven by an
exhaustive database of over 4 million assessments, the
Leadership Circle Profile™ 360° assessment is a data-driven
model for leadership development, trusted by the most
influential companies in the world.

Leadership Circle Profile™

The Leadership Circle® profile is a comprehensive tool for measuring leadership effectiveness.

It combines 360-degree feedback from colleagues, bosses, peers with a self-assessment to provide a full view of your leadership strengths and areas to be developed.

At the heart of our program is the belief that effective leadership is collective, not individual.

We believe that by fostering a culture of collective leadership, you can create a more resilient and adaptable organization that can thrive in even the most complex and challenging environments.

Collective Leadership Assessment ™

The Collective Leadership Assessment serves as a potent indicator of the effectiveness of collective leadership in teams or organisations.

It can be employed across the entire organisation or exclusively for the leadership team, providing a comprehensive analysis of how employees perceive the current state of collective leadership effectiveness and how it compares to the desired level.

Frequently asked questions


“The highest form of research is
essentially play.”

~ N. V. Scarfe, education researcher


The attitude to understand who you are
and why you are here. For me this is not
related to a gender.

The PlayfulMonk approach of
explore, play, love, presences and connection.
Supports the ability to stay calm and connected in complex situations.

How does the
Leadership Circle®
The PlayfulMonk
Approach work

The Leadership Circle
Assessment provides powerful
insights into leadership
capability, while the PlayfulMonk
Approach provides a clear
development plan to evolve one's
leadership style.

How does it work?

The leadership program is designed to help leaders or groups of leaders develop the skills and competencies needed to lead effectively in complex and dynamic environments. Through a series of assessments, debriefs and coaching sessions, leaders will gain a deeper understanding of their leadership effectiveness and how it influences their team’s performance and organisations. The outcome will be a leadership developmental plan that will help leaders engage with complexity and improve their leadership effectiveness for themselves and the organisation.

Below is some example configuration of programs.

The Leadership Circle® profile

  • 360 Assessment online
  • 2 X 1.5 hour debrief (including developmental plan)
  • 6 or more X 1 hour Coaching session
  • Can be used with a group of leaders and has also been developed for managers

Collective Leadership Assessment™

  • Assessment online
  • This can used for a senior leadership team, or teams of leaders or the whole organisation.
  • This looks at where the leadership culture is and where it would like to be.
  • The Assessment and 1 or 2 day workshop debrief can be in person or online.
  • The basic package start from 2 leaders and can include any number of evaluators. There
  • are other options available.
  • Reports can be produced about how different groups/teams respond to the leadership culture.
  • Further developmental workshops/sessions can be arranged.

"Anyone who thinks Mindfulness is a
vague and woolly movement should talk to Amaranatho."

With his experience in both the corporate world and his experience as a Buddhist monk,
Amaranatho is able to make the untangiable tangiable .
I work in a political environment with lots of understreams, Ama’s techniques and coaching
helped me to have a clear message and stay connected and be true to my innerself.

Rik-Jan – Vitality manager of the year 2011 –
International health manager – Netherlands