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How do you celebrate your worth?
A few days ago I was with a caring and compassionate leader, they shared how they listened to their staff, created a safe space to do that, had a laugh, and set good boundaries.

They got lovely feedback.

and I asked

“What do you do with that feedback?”

silence…. deafening silence.

They had not thought about how to receive fully that good feedback.

Today is my birthday and I want to celebrate it with you
I want to celebrate that I just started a freelance contract to be the Head of faculty and Leadership at Blend on a part-time basis. I’m grateful for the warm welcome from Amanda Reynolds and the many other senior coaches and supervisors.

My approach to celebrating my worth and honouring the role is best left to the great poet David Whyte.

Tilicho Lake
by David Whyte

In the high place
it is as simple as this,
leave everything you know behind.

Step toward the cold surface,
say the old prayer of rough love
and open both arms.

Those who come with empty hands
will stare into the lake astonished,
there, in the cold light
reflecting pure snow

the true shape of your own face.

We would not be here without the planet earth and so I ask you to celebrate my birthday and the new job by commenting below on
What do you celebrate about this planet (please be specific)

#leadership #executivecoaching

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