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Dealing with continuous change – the ultimate sea view?

After a two week vacation including a digital detox, silent retreat and some camping and a lot has changed in the world health, politics, gender and climate change, the list goes on.

Is that so?

I wanted a holiday in the mountains in Germany, the floods came and had to cancel
Is that so?

I found a place in another part of Germany
Is that so?

The travel regulation in Germany changed
Is that so?

I booked a cottage near the beach in the Netherlands (where I live)
Is that so?

I had an allergic reaction to the cottage
Is that so?

I found that by sleeping the door I could tolerate it
Is that so?

I started cycling 20 km per day in the dunes to the beach
Is that so?

It rained.
Is that so?

The sun came out and I went swimming
Is that so?
It was the last day.

I had a few days silent retreat and thought let’s go back to the beach – everything was fully booked.
is that so?

I went camping locally, no beach nearby.
is that so?

I came back home, went to a very local beach and had the best swim.
is that so?

This is based on a lovely Zen story.

What is your way of dealing with change?

Sometimes what you are looking for is closer to home than you think.

#executivecoaching #change #leadership

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