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What does it mean to make trauma-informed choices in the workplace?

Many people assume that when I was a monk, life was full of peace, solitude and was easygoing. As I started to take my mindfulness off the meditation cushion and share it with people I encountered my trauma and started to face others people’s traumas.

What does trauma mean?

Psychological trauma has been defined as “an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening and that has lasting adverse effects on the individuals functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional or spiritual wellbeing” [1].

The trauma-informed approach was not around when I was a monk 20 years ago. The language of trauma had only started to be defined and used. My therapeutic supervisor at the time was aware of this and started my journey to listen, learn and meet the world experts on this. I integrated this in my retreats, workshops that I ran and it made a huge difference.

We each respond differently to situations and so for one person it may be traumatic and for another not.

In the conference, I am co-producing called “Pregnancy and Birth: What is Covid-19 teaching us about ‘Trauma Informed’ choices?” Clare Law and Dr Lauren Wolfenden are sharing their trauma-informed maternity care which was commission by the NHS in the UK.

As we return to the workplace some people will have been affected strongly by the pandemic. As the report suggested being trauma-informed care aims to promote feelings of psychological safety, choice, and control.

This is how I support my coaches/leaders and executives I work with.

What can you do to promote psychological safety, choice, and control?

#mentalhealth # #mindfulness #executivecoaching

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