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How are you starting again?
Just before the new years eve, I did a short silent mindfulness retreat at home to welcome the new year in. I had a very busy end of the year and so when I stopped; the mind was unsure what to do with itself.

It got lost.

I notice the same lostness now as I reengage with social media and the work life, as I’ve been mainly offline for the last few weeks.
What should I say?

This is change.

In the retreat and as I do now, I’ve learned to allow in all my feelings and thoughts. Sometimes I get caught up with them and most of the time, I notice them.

I am present to them.

It is the ability to notice and be present which has helped me and the clients I support to be with change, uncertainty and the willingness to adapt.

By noticing the lostness, there is also the option to respond to it.
What I have found helpful is just to do one simple act or movement, the next step, even if it does not quite make sense rationally.

I find doing something joyful can really help with this.

The thing that brings me joy is connection.

Thank you all for the comments and connections I have made on LinkedIn and how they have contributed towards starting again in each moment.

I’m starting again by sharing my new LinkedIn photo – thanks to Kirsten Groeneveld for the photo

What brought you joy over the festive period?

#executivecoaching #agilemindset #mindfulness

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