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How do you improve your coaching skills? Is your coach in supervision? Supervision can conjure images of authority, power over, narcism, and being told what to do….

I have been in super-vision for over 20 years this is my experience of coaching supervision of what it has offered me:-
space to reflect on well-being for myself and clients
allowed me to ethically inquiry which allows me to hold complexity safely
develop healthy boundaries
be more compassionate to myself and my clients
develop the art of coaching
be trauma informed
it has always been collaborative and a reflective space.

Maybe you think it’s been too long and I should really know about coaching by now?

Last Thursday I had the pleasure of offering my fellows peers at the Americas coaching Supervision conference, a workshop on compassionate silence. How can coaching supervisors engage with silence as a form of compassion? It was a delightful session with over forty people attending. I’m really grateful for the support of Damian Goldvarg, Ph.D., MCC, CSP, ESIA Lily Seto, MA, CEC, PCC,ESIA Jocelyne Hamel, PCC, ITCA, MA Mary Crowley, BA, CEC, PCC

In the slide deck you will see what I learned from the sessions I attended (even after a decade of being a supervisor) because of the time zone difference.
UnMasking Coaching Supervision
10 Ts of Systemic Team Coaching SUPERvision
The Future of Coaching Supervision
Allyship in Supervision
Using Art as a Catalyst for Deepening the Awareness of the Self
Supervision as Spiritual Practice
What is the Difference Between Coaching and Coaching Supervision – isn’t it just coaching the coach?
Super-vision for Team Coaches: An Exciting & Complex Territory

How do you improve your coaching skills? Why do you think coaches need to be in coaching supervision?

#coaching #leadershipdevelopment #agilemindset

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