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Is it mindset, personal development, or systems change?
In the last few days, several LinkedIn posts have been discussing ( #agile) mindset and organizational change followed by a torrent of views, opinions and the splattering of research.

To me, it’s just like when a client comes for coaching or coaches come for coaching supervision.

They are looking for change.

Can the change be imposed?

Can the change happen when the system/culture/organization creates 😩 the stress?

Can it be given?

Can a coach or coaching supervisor create change for their client?

In my experience, I’ve never been able:-

to create change in an organisation

change a person

install a mindset

or be able to do personal development for clients.

I rarely use goals, models, or personality tests or team diagnostic either.

I don’t offer :-

10x (insert money, customer etc) courses

Instant enlightenment

Weekend coach training for a dollar

I don’t mind if you do these things btw.

Yesterday all my clients, both executive and in coaching supervision, turned up with no fixed idea what they needed from the session in terms of a goal. What they needed was a reflective space, somebody that could be present and journey with them. Themes discussed included climate change, delegation, being a visionary CEO, boundaries, power, choices, creating a more playful organisation, mindfulness. birth and pregnancy!

Prof. Dr Clutterbuck calls this approach to coaching maturity, systemic eclectic (more details in the slides).

So is it a mindset, personal development, or systems change – What do you notice? What has helped you or your organisation?

#personaldevelopment #executivecoaching #agilemindset

Check this post on Linkedin

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