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How do you let life touch you?

Yesterday morning I woke early to find the moon streaming into my window. A moment of joy arose as I looked out across the water to see the moon reflected in the water.

We are touched in many ways, sometime it is overwhelmingly positive
Other times
It is like a spiral into hell.

Being able to be with both is the gift of presences.
Allowing your light to shine
being able to have a mind that reflects like a calm lake.

If you want impact as a leader or executive then developing presences is essential for impact. It is a commitment to deep personal work.

And if you are a coaching others to embrace life then coaching super-vision allows you space to reflect on your struggles and celebrations, and refine and develop this art.

Let’s inspire each other either with a picture or word of inspiration that brings light to your heart and stillness to your mind.

#coaching #agilemindset #executivecoaching #PlayfulMonk

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