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People matter: Connection, safety and trust (Verbinding, veiligheid en vertrouwen)

This was the title of my in-person talk yesterday at the Netherlands Vitality Manager of the year organised by Gezond in Bedrijf Business School and Diederik Gallas

I’m not sure what other country uses Vitality managers and I like it.

It is amazing what you can do when there is money and caring managers, every participant expressed this in the care of their presentations and the commitment to help their workers during the pandemic times. This included

Merel van Dorp| Friesland Campina (who was voted this 2021 vitality manager)
Ingrid van Gemert | Mars
Alexander Stolze| ING
Marjolein Janssen MSc University of Applied Sciences

I had fun with Roos Abelman who hosted the day weaving the talks and presentation together, with great questions to the presenters.

I learned about ABN Amaro approach from Monique Bosbaan how to bring energy to ourselves and organisations from Chantalle Weemaes and Blue zone organizations from Latifa Belhaj

Not bad as it was all in Dutch and I was using my translator on my phone!

On my way back home on the train, my training as a monk entered my mind and was reminded of the three levels of understanding I was taught.

1) factual – You know about the facts
2) functional – You know how to use it
3) know it – you really know what it is all about

When we really know ourselves our vitality is where impact happens, that is where we create safety, connection and trust for others.

I was grateful yesterday to speak to an audience that wanted to engage with vitality. This is the same with senior leaders and executives I coach, and the coaches I supervise when there is passion from both sides the results they are looking for will nearly always happen.

How do people matter in your life and how does the affect your vitality?

#executivecoaching #personaldevelopment #leadership

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